Today bloggers all over the world are coming together for a cause, to end SMA. MaKenzie had a form of SMA (Spinal Muscular Atrophy) called SMARD (SMA with Respiratory Distress). I wanted to spend some more time on this post, but am running around like a crazy person today so I will just jump straight to the point. This deadly disease must be stopped and YOU can help. I am not asking for your money, just 2 minutes of your time. I am asking...begging you to go to . select the Gwendolyn Strong Foundation, enter the two security words, check the Official Rules box, and then click “Vote Now!” The foundation that gets the most votes will receive $20,000! You can vote every day until September 29 at 5:00 EDT
I have been fortunate enough to meet MaKenzie's Mom and she is an amazing strong woman. She was kind enough to let me borrow a picture of her sweet angel for my picture of the day to raise awareness of the disease that took her baby WAY too early. Take a moment and check out Kendra's blog because she has much more information on her blog than I am able to post. Please don't disregard this request. We can make a difference! Please Please Please VOTE!!
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