Saturday, September 25, 2010

{Day 25 Happy Birthday Angie}

I took a picture of a picture today. Today is Angie's birthday, she is one of my best friends ever. I don't get to celebrate her Birthday with her, she gets to celebrate it with the Angels in Heaven. But I will never stop celebrating her birth, and her life. I miss her very much and am grateful for the time I was lucky enough to have with her while she was on this earth. I really miss her sense of humor. We would literally laugh for HOURS at a time! She will never be forgotten! Love you Ang, tell Jesus I said "Hi."

1 leave your thoughts here:

¨*:·.TIFF.·:*¨ said...

oh Ali! what a sweet post! i remember you telling me about her when i first met you. she seemed amazing.
happy birthday angie!