Yesterday we went to the Utah State Fair. Valerie got to ride the "wiggly worm" and was in heaven! Brandon liked the pig races the best, but got conveniently sick just as I was about to get in line for my fried oreo's so we had to skip it and go home. :( I guess next year I will have to get fried oreo's and a snickers bar to make up for it! :)

Right after we snapped this picture the Prophet rode by with his entourage all on golf carts. I debated weather or not it would be socially acceptable to chase after him to take a picture, but I decided I would save myself the embarrassment.
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Good call on the Pres. Monson thing. One day I was walking through the grocery store and literally ran into Pres. Eyering. I was so embarassed and further embarassed when all I could come up with to say was, "Wow, you're taller than I thought." Yep, I'm cool like that.
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