Tuesday, September 14, 2010

{Day 14}

Well I got behind on my pictures so here ya go, 3 in a row...be sure to read the one with the carrots to hear about our close encounter with Pres. Monson himself.

I really am trying to make an honest effort to not have every picture of the day be of my kids. Today I could not resist. Valerie found some stickers that I bought to put on her wall and decided to put them up for me since I haven't done it yet. I swear that kid gets into so much trouble when she is suppose to be napping!
Also I have been feeling guilty that Graham hasn't been in the picture of the day yet so tomorrow is going to be a picture of Graham...I love him just as much as I love Val, it's just that Valerie obviously does a lot more things than he does so she ends up in the pictures a lot more.

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