Well hello there!
I am so out of the blogging loop and completely out of practice obviously. It has been years since I have blogged and to be honest there are things I have missed about it and things that I didn't miss at all. So the reason for my blog post after years of not blogging. I am at a loss. I honestly don't know where I have gone wrong. I feel like I have the absolute naughtiest children on the face of the planet. I am going to be real honest with you here. Like, admit out loud things that I try not to even admit to myself in my innermost darkest places of my mind, honest. We are done having kids. That is not the part I was talking about, that part is no secret. Here it goes: We are done having kids because I can't handle them (gasp!). I honestly have such a hard time with the kids that I have there is no way I would ever consider having another one. I am obviously doing something wrong as a mother and I don't want to subject another human being to my bad parenting. I have 3 of Heavenly Father's sweet little innocent souls to try to shape and mold into somewhat normal, healthy, functioning humans in society and I am afraid I am doing it all wrong. It is my job to love, nurture, and teach these tiny humans to be good, loving, nurturing people themselves. I am not sure where I dropped the ball. I have honestly been doing my best. I love them fiercely and would do anything for them, they are my whole reason and purpose in life! All I ever wanted to do in life was to be a Mom. After high school I had zero desire to have any schooling, or career, or anything. I just wanted to have babies and be a Mom. A good Mom. I never thought it would be this hard. I don't really think it is this hard on everyone, but I feel like I screwed up somewhere and now I have to correct whatever parenting mistake I have made that has turned my two older kids into little monsters. I need help. This is where I beg you for any suggestions, thoughts, or strategies that you have used that seem to help correct naughty behavior. We have literally tried everything. Timeouts, taking away toys, taking away privileges, and on, and on. I just started reading the Love and Logic books, and those suggestions don't really seem to be helping either. Do I need to go to some seminars, or parenting classes?? I just don't really know what to do at this point.
Whew! Glad I got that off of my chest! Now is where you leave me your comments about some fabulous secret that you have that will change my life and the lives of my sweet little innocent children. They really are innocent in this. I know that they are little and they don't know what they are doing. They don't know that their constant whining, crying, fighting, yelling, screaming, and other naughty behaviors are slowly but surely driving their mom completely insane. I have to wonder though, if they know how bad it hurts when they turn their attacks on me. I have heard far too many times the words, "I hate you." and "I wish I had a different mom." among other things, coming from those little mouths. There has to be some serious hostility built up in those little minds to say such hurtful things.
Thanks for reading my ramblings. I really hope this is just a phase and we can get it worked out soon. Otherwise I will be blogging from the loony bin. I will let you know when visiting hours are if you want to stop by! ;)
Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Love, Ali 3 leave your thoughts here
Monday, July 18, 2011
4th of July
This year we broke tradition. For the first time since I met Brandon we did not go to the ReAL Salt Lake soccer game to celebrate the 4th of July. It was kind of sad to not be doing what we have always done. Brandon was even more sad than me. But we did go to the West Jordan Carnival and got to see our kids enjoy the fun things a carnival has to offer. Then we did a few fireworks and put the kids to bed...that might be the new norm around here for a few years. Staying up late is just not a good thing for my kids!
Love, Ali 1 leave your thoughts here
Monday, June 20, 2011
Exciting news!!
After much debate and persuasion Brandon and I have finally come to an agreement:

See what I mean about handsome!?! I love his cute little round head!
Love, Ali 6 leave your thoughts here
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Graham is one!!
Isn't he cute!?!

Now for the party pictures:

This year we did cake pops instead of a cake. Graham got to have 3 different Birthday parties so I got to experiment with different colors and flavors, it was a lot of fun and now I crave these things!!

I am SO big!

Love, Ali 1 leave your thoughts here
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
~Baby #3~
Love, Ali 11 leave your thoughts here
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Love, Ali 5 leave your thoughts here
Monday, February 21, 2011
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
My new BFF...

Love, Ali 9 leave your thoughts here
Monday, January 31, 2011

Love, Ali 3 leave your thoughts here
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Let it Snow!
The previous post is what happens when your husband hijacks your blog. I guess he is bored with it again and wants an update so here is some fun me and Valerie had in the snow while Graham took a nap inside cozy and warm...
...But I really do want to wish you all a Merry Christmas!!
Love, Ali 0 leave your thoughts here